本文へジャンプ 2018/3/20 update 

Parameter sets of Kyushu chiral g matrix

Data file of Kyushu chiral g matrix is available at the following link.
  • w/ 3NF ver.1.00
  • w/o 3NF ver.1.00
  • Information

    Latest version is 1.00.
    The central term of the g matrtix is now opened.
    The spin-orbit and tensor terms of the g matrtix will become available sequentially.

    It is noted that the data file is generated as Unix encoding and the end-of-line style is Unix-style LF.


    • w/o 3NF Ver. 1.00 has released (2018/03/20).
    • w/ 3NF Ver. 1.00 has released (2018/03/01).


    Please replacce _at_ with @.

    • s-ogawa_at_phys.kyushu-u.ac.jp

    Nuclear Theory Group, Department of Physics, Kyushu University