- 担当:清水 良文氏
Microscopic study of 16O+16O fusion
C. Simenel, R. Keser, A.S. Umar, and V.E. Oberacker
arXiv:1306.5514v1 [nucl-th](2013)]
Time-dependent Hartree-Fock calculations for multinucleon transfer processes in 40,48Ca+124Su, 40Ca+208Pb, and 58Ni+208Pb reactions
Kazuyuki Sekizawa and Kazuhiro Yabana
arXiv:1303.0552v2 [nucl-th](2013)]
Deformation and cluster structures in 12C studied with configuration mixing using Skyrme interactions
Y. Fukuoka, S. Shinohara, Y. Funaki, T.Nakatsukasa, and K. Yabana
arXiv:1304.5927v1 [nucl-th](2013)]