


2020年3月6日(金) 16:30〜18:00 (中止となりました)

講師:土岐 博 氏 (大阪大学)
場所:ウェスト1号館7階 物理セミナー室2 (W1-A-722室)


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2019年11月17日(火) 15:00〜17:00

講師:Andrei Andreyev 氏 (York Univ., JAEA)
演題:Nuclear Fission in the 21st Century: A Review of Experimental Advances and Phenomenology
場所:ウェスト1号館7階 物理会議室 (W1-A-711室)

In the last two decades, through technological, experimental and theoretical advances, the situation in experimental fission studies has changed dramatically.
With the use of advanced production and detection techniques much more detailed and precise information can now be obtained for the traditional regions of fission research.
Crucially, new regions of nuclei have become routinely accessible for fission studies, by means of radioactive ion beams.

The talk will briefly introduce classical concepts of fission, followed by examples of the recent developments in experimental fission techniques, in particular the resurgence of transfer-induced fission reactions with light and heavy ions, the emerging use of inverse-kinematic approaches, both at Coulomb and relativistic energies, and of fission studies with radioactive beams.
The presentation will closely follow the recent comprehensive review “Nuclear fission: a review of experimental advances and phenomenology” [1].

The emphasis on the fission-fragment mass and charge distributions will be made. A particular attention will be given to the low-energy fission in the so far scarcely explored nuclei in the very neutron-deficient lead region. They recently became the focus for several complementary experimental studies, such as β-delayed fission with laser-ionized mass-separated radioactive beams at ISOLDE(CERN) [2,3], Coulex-induced fission of relativistic secondary beams at FRS(GSI, Germany), and several prompt fusion–fission studies [1].
The synergy of these approaches allows a unique insight in the new region of asymmetric fission around 180Hg, recently discovered at ISOLDE [2,3].
Recent extensive theoretical efforts in this region will also be outlined.

The unprecedented high-quality data for fission of heavy actinides, completely identified in Z and A, by means of reactions in inverse kinematics at FRS(GSI), SAMURAI(RIKEN, Japan), and VAMOS(GANIL, France) will be also reviewed.
These experiments explored an extended range of heavy elements, covering both asymmetric, symmetric and transitional fission regions.

The talk will conclude with the discussion of the new experimental fission facilities which are presently being brought into operation, along with promising 'next-generation' fission approaches, which might become available within the next decade.

[1] A.N. Andreyev, K. Nishio, K.-H. Schmidt, Reports on Progress in Physics, 81,1 (2018)
[2] A.N. Andreyev et al, Physical Review Letters, 105, 252502 (2010)
[3] A.N. Andreyev, M. Huyse, P. Van Duppen, Reviews of Modern Physics, 85, 1541 (2013)

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2019年11月22日(金) 16:30〜18:00

講師:Philipp Gubler 氏 (日本原子力研究開発機構)
演題:Studying the phi meson in nuclear matter by simulating low energy pA reactions
場所:ウェスト1号館7階 物理セミナー室2 (W1-A-722室)

概要:The behavior of the phi meson in nuclear matter has attracted renewed interest because of (recent and future) experiments that aim to study its properties in nuclei [1-3]. Theoretically,
many works have however been conducted assuming infinite nuclear matter [4-5], which is not realistic from an experimental point of view. To relate theoretical predictions with experimental observables, a thorough understanding of the actual reaction, in which the phi meson is produced in a nucleus, is required. For the past E325 experiment at KEK [1] and the future E16 experiment at J-PARC [3], this is a pA reaction with initial proton energies between 10 and 30 GeV. To simulate such a reaction, we make use of the PHSD transport approach, which is based on a covariant microscopic transport model [6]. In this framework, the phi meson spectral function obtained theoretically as a function of density, can be used as an input, while the output of the simulation can be compared with experimentally observed dilepton spectrum.
In this presentation, I will give an overview of first results obtained in simulations of the reactions probed at the E325 experiment at KEK.

[1] R. Muto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 042501 (2007).
[2] A. Polyanskiy et al., Phys. Lett. B 695, 74 (2011).
[3] K. Aoki (J-PARC E16 Collaboration), arXiv:1502.00703 [nucl-ex].
[4] P. Gubler and K. Ohtani, Phys. Rev. D 90, 094002 (2014).
[5] P. Gubler and W. Weise, Phys. Lett. B 751, 396 (2015).
[6] W. Cassing and E. Bratkovskaya, Phys. Rev. C 78, 034919 (2008).

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2019年11月18日(月) 16:30〜18:00

講師:Qi Meng 氏 (南京大学)
演題:Compact $sssc\bar{c}$ pentaquark states predicted by a quark model
場所:ウェスト1号館7階 物理セミナー室3 (W1-A-722室)

概要:Several compact $sssc\bar{c}$ pentaquark resonances are predicted in a potential quark model.
Full five-body calculations are carried out by the use of the Gaussian expansion method, and the relevant baryon-meson thresholds are taken into account explicitly.
Employing the real scaling method, we predict four sharp resonances with compact structures.

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2019年10月25日(金) 16:30〜18:00

講師: 岡 眞 氏 (日本原子力研究開発機構)
場所:ウェスト1号館7階 物理セミナー室3 (W1-A-722室)


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